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5 Tools That Boost my Productivity


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As a web designer, I am always looking for ways to be more productive. I want to get more done in less time so that I can spend time more efficiently and intentionally. In this blog post, I will share 5 tools that I use to boost my productivity. Hopefully, you can find a few that you like!

Tool #1: Bonsai

I use Bonsai to manage most aspects of my web design business from creating contracts, proposals, and invoices to accounting, estimated tax calculation, and banking. Bonsai is a great tool no matter how you structure your services. You can charge by milestone, flat rate, hourly, or even create subscriptions. The convenience of having everything in one place is super helpful for productivity.

You can check out Bonsai here: The #1 Freelance Product Suite | Bonsai

Tool #2: Jasper

Jasper is an AI writing software that helps me quickly create the initial copy for website designs and cloneable Webflow templates. It's also super helpful when I hit a writing block when making blog posts. All I have to do is type a sentence, press the "Compose" button, and Jasper starts writing a few sentences to help me continue.

You can check out Jasper here: Get Started with AI Writing Software | Jasper

Tool #3: Noise-cancelling Headphones

This one is more of a personal preference, but I find that I am much more productive when I work in silence or with some light background music. Noise-cancelling headphones help me to block out distractions and focus on the task at hand. My personal favorite set of headphones is the Sony WH-1000XM4 Over Ear Headphones. They have great sound and first-class noise cancellation for a reasonable price. They're a popular choice among the general public too, as I've seen many people sporting them in airports.

You can usually find them at a good price on Amazon: Sony WH-1000XM4 |

Tool #4: Loom

Loom is a great screen recording tool for communicating with clients on topics that don't quite merit having a meeting but are also a bit too complex for an email. I use Loom everyday and communicate with clients almost exclusively over Loom and email. It's a great way to quickly show someone what you're talking about without having to schedule a meeting.

You can check out Loom here: Free Screen Recording Software | Loom

Tool #5: Notion

Notion is an all-in-one workspace that I use for everything from project management to taking notes and planning blog posts (like this one!). It's a great tool for organizing your thoughts and keeping track of tasks. I've tried many different productivity tools over the years, but Notion is the one that has stuck with me.

Final Remarks

Picking just 5 tools was hard, but these are the tools I find myself using everyday. The 5 productivity tools I've listed are just a few of the many that are out there. These are the ones that work best for me at this time, but they may not all be the right fit for you. Experiment with different tools and find what works best for you. The most important thing is to find something that helps you get more done in less time so you can allocate more time and focus on other areas of life.

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